

application definition, extends NXobject


Application definition for transmission experiments


Variables used throughout the experiment

N_wavelengths: Number of wavelength points

N_scans: Number of scans

Groups cited:

NXattenuator, NXdata, NXdetector, NXentry, NXfabrication, NXgrating, NXinstrument, NXmonochromator, NXsample, NXslit, NXsource, NXuser


ENTRY: (required) NXentry

This application definition

definition: (required) NX_CHAR

An application definition for transmission. ...

An application definition for transmission.

Obligatory value: NXtransmission

@version: (required) NX_CHAR

Version number to identify which definition of this application definition ...

Version number to identify which definition of this application definition was used for this entry/data.

@url: (required) NX_CHAR

URL where to find further material (documentation, examples) relevant to t ...

URL where to find further material (documentation, examples) relevant to the application definition.

start_time: (required) NX_DATE_TIME

Start time of the experiment.

experiment_identifier: (required) NX_CHAR

Unique identifier of the experiment, such as a (globally persistent) ...
Unique identifier of the experiment, such as a (globally persistent)

unique identifier.

  • The identifier is usually defined by the facility or principle investigator.

  • The identifier enables to link experiments to e.g. proposals.

experiment_description: (optional) NX_CHAR

An optional free-text description of the experiment. However, details of the ...

An optional free-text description of the experiment. However, details of the experiment should be defined in the specific fields of this application definition rather than in this experiment description.

acquisition_program: (optional) NXfabrication

@url: (recommended) NX_CHAR

Website of the software

model: (required) NX_CHAR

Commercial or otherwise defined given name to the program that was ...

Commercial or otherwise defined given name to the program that was used to generate the result file(s) with measured data and metadata.

identifier: (required) NX_CHAR

Version number of the program that was used to generate the result ...

Version number of the program that was used to generate the result file(s) with measured data and metadata.

operator: (required) NXuser

Contact information of at least the user of the instrument or the investigat ...

Contact information of at least the user of the instrument or the investigator who performed this experiment. Adding multiple users if relevant is recommended.

name: (required) NX_CHAR

Name of the user.

affiliation: (required) NX_CHAR

Name of the affiliation of the user at the point in time when the experime ...

Name of the affiliation of the user at the point in time when the experiment was performed.

address: (required) NX_CHAR

Street address of the user’s affiliation.

email: (required) NX_CHAR

Email address of the user.

url: (recommended) NX_CHAR

Author ID defined by reasearch id services, e.g. orcid (https://orcid.org/).

telephone_number: (recommended) NX_CHAR

Telephone number of the user.

instrument: (required) NXinstrument

common_beam_depolarizer: (required) NX_BOOLEAN

If true, the incident beam is depolarized.

polarizer: (required) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_ANGLE}

Polarizer value inside the beam path

time_points: (optional) NX_NUMBER (Rank: 1, Dimensions: [N_scans]) {units=NX_TIME}

An array of relative scan start time points.

measured_data: (required) NX_NUMBER (Rank: 2, Dimensions: [N_scans, N_wavelengths])

Resulting data from the measurement. ...

Resulting data from the measurement. The length of the 2nd dimension is the number of time points. If it has length one the time_points may be empty.

manufacturer: (recommended) NXfabrication

Manufacturer of the instrument.

common_beam_mask: (required) NXslit

Common beam mask to shape the incident beam

y_gap: (required) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_UNITLESS}

The height of the common beam in percentage of the beam

ref_attenuator: (required) NXattenuator

Attenuator in the reference beam

attenuator_transmission: (required) NX_FLOAT

sample_attenuator: (required) NXattenuator

Attenuator in the sample beam

attenuator_transmission: (required) NX_FLOAT

spectrometer: (required) NXmonochromator

wavelength: (required) NX_NUMBER (Rank: 1, Dimensions: [N_wavelengths]) {units=NX_LENGTH}

Wavelength value(s) used for the measurement. ...

Wavelength value(s) used for the measurement. An array of 1 or more elements. Length defines N_wavelenghts

spectral_resolution: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_WAVENUMBER}

Overall spectral resolution of this spectrometer. ...

Overall spectral resolution of this spectrometer. If several gratings are employed the spectral resoultion should rather be specified for each grating inside the NXgrating group of this spectrometer.

GRATING: (optional) NXgrating

Diffraction grating, as could be used in a monochromator. ...

Diffraction grating, as could be used in a monochromator. If two or more gratings were used, define the angular dispersion and the wavelength range (min/max wavelength) for each grating and make sure that the wavelength ranges do not overlap. The dispersion should be defined for the entire wavelength range of the experiment.

angular_dispersion: (optional) NX_NUMBER

Dispersion of the grating in nm/mm used.

blaze_wavelength: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}

The blaze wavelength of the grating used.

spectral_resolution: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_WAVENUMBER}

Overall spectral resolution of the instrument ...

Overall spectral resolution of the instrument when this grating is used.

wavelength_range: (required) NX_NUMBER (Rank: 1, Dimensions: [2]) {units=NX_LENGTH}

Wavelength range in which this grating was used

DETECTOR: (required) NXdetector

wavelength_range: (required) NX_NUMBER (Rank: 1, Dimensions: [2]) {units=NX_LENGTH}

Wavelength range in which this detector was used

type: (required) NX_CHAR

Detector type ...

Detector type

Any of these values: PMT | PbS | InGaAs

response_time: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_TIME}

Response time of the detector

gain: (optional) NX_NUMBER

Detector gain

slit: (required) NXslit

Slit setting used for measurement with this detector

type: (required) NX_CHAR

Any of these values: fixed | servo

SOURCE: (required) NXsource

The lamp used for illumination

type: (required) NX_CHAR

The type of lamp, e.g. halogen, D2 etc. ...

The type of lamp, e.g. halogen, D2 etc.

Any of these values: halogen | D2

spectrum: (optional) NX_NUMBER (Rank: 1, Dimensions: [N_wavelengths])

The spectrum of the lamp used

wavelength_range: (required) NX_NUMBER (Rank: 1, Dimensions: [2]) {units=NX_LENGTH}

Wavelength range in which the lamp was used

SAMPLE: (required) NXsample

Properties of the sample measured

name: (required) NX_CHAR

data: (required) NXdata

A default view of the data emitted intensity vs. wavelength. ...

A default view of the data emitted intensity vs. wavelength. From measured_data plot intensity and wavelength.

@axes: (required) NX_CHAR

We recommend to use wavelength as a default attribute, but it can be ...

We recommend to use wavelength as a default attribute, but it can be replaced by any suitable parameter along the X-axis.

Hypertext Anchors

List of hypertext anchors for all groups, fields, attributes, and links defined in this class.

NXDL Source:
